I’ve always had a connection to the other side. From a young age, I started having reoccurring dreams and signs of loved ones after death. In these dreams, family members who had passed away would visit. I remember after my Grandma Marion died, I was about 8 years old – I woke up to the creak of my bedroom door and a gleam of light flooding into my dark room from the hallway.
There she was – my grandma! But hadn’t we just laid her to rest earlier today?
She came toward me and while most young girls would feel scared of seeing a “ghost” I was excited she was here and felt comfort. She sat down on my bed and told me everything was going to be ok. She hugged me tight and I could feel her arms around me.
Some might say this is impossible. But I am of the belief that if you are open to signs of loved ones after death and visitations from those who have passed away – those loved ones will find a way to connect and let you know that everything is right.
Losing A Loved One Unexpectedly
Last year, on Christmas Day, as we were boarding our annual flight to Cabo San Lucas at LAX airport – we got the call. The dreaded call we were expecting to receive but were hoping it wouldn’t come quite yet. It was my husband Scott’s mom. Through a river of tears, she could barely make out the words – your father, he’s gone.
Only 30 days before, did I get a similar call from her – only it was letting me know she just took him to the hospital. “He’s really sick,” she said.
“Like, flu sick or something else sick?
“I don’t know. He’s been throwing up for a week straight and the doctor was concerned.”
Diggng for Info
Scott’s family is the worst with giving information. You have to press, ask questions, ask the same questions over and over again to get a straight answer.
“They were concerned because he is throwing up or is there something else? What is going on Mom?” I said to her. Scott was at work; she didn’t want to bother him and I knew it must be serious if she was calling me now.
Turns out, after some peeling the layers back like an onion through a myriad of questions – we were told they think he has cancer.
Over the next three weeks – they tried chemo but the goal was never to cure him. It was too late for that. It was to prolong his life.
We visited with the kids 2 weeks before he passed away and as the plane doors closed my husband looked distraught – was he really on a plane to Cabo when his dad just died? He was.
My dad was in Cabo waiting for us, and we made arrangements to fly back east from Cabo for the funeral. We chose to leave the kids in Cabo with my dad which was an unpopular decision with his immediate family. But our kids were young and we were just there with them to say goodbye. I didn’t see what good it did to remove them from what they consider the happiest place on earth to a freezing tundra and a funeral. They were 6 and 3 at the time. They didn’t need to be there.
Signs of Loved Ones After Death
That said, it’s been almost a year since he passed away. A lot has happened but most recently, Scott has been asked to step up to a Superintendent position at work. We were sitting around the dinner table, talking about the position and how much he wishes he could tell his dad. How proud he would be.
You see, his dad was a machinist for the New York Times and that is what got Scott into the production industry. Scott always worked for the Times when we lived in NY and when we moved to California in 2008 – he landed job offers from both the Los Angeles Times and Farmer John.
Scott asked me which job to take and I told him, “newspapers are a dying industry, everyone buys bacon.” And he took the job with Farmer John.
He’s been there 10 years now, and although the commute is a B!@#$ – Scott is loyal to the company. Afterall, he’s been carried away by ambulance from the plant on more than 1 occasion due to complications with his MS.
He’s talked about leaving to find something closer to home. But he gets really good medical benefits and they are supportive of his health needs. They also love him, so there’s job security.
They Are Always “With” Us
So, as we are all sitting around the table eating dinner, and Scott is talking about the new position and his dad, the dining room light goes out. We all look at each other and I say, “The lightbulb blew out.”
Scott keeps talking but something or someone makes me get up. I walk over to the light switch which is a round dimmer light. When it’s turned to the right, the light is on. I put my fingers around the switch and can feel it’s turned all the way to the left. To off.
But we were all sitting at the table. I look at Scott and say, “This is your Dad. He’s letting you know – he is here. He knows.
And I have chills as I type this.
Some people get freaked out when this stuff happens. But not me. I feel warm inside knowing that when I go, there will be a way to let my kids know I am watching. They will just need to be open to the signs. Because I am of the believer that if you aren’t open to receiving them, then you never will.